Learn Trading from NSE Paathshaala – ???????

Learn Trading from NSE Paathshaala

Trading in the stock market is not everyone’s cup of tea. In fact, it requires right set of skills and knowledge to be a successful trader or investor. In addition, the trader or investor in the stock market needs to follow certain rules and disciplines. Therefore, if any new investor enters the market, there is a good chance that he may erode his capital. Hence to help him with stock trading, NSE India has built a platform known as NSE Paathshaala.

Let us first understand what is Paathshaala.

What is NSE Paathshaala?

For the beginners and old investors in the stock markets, NSE India offers a virtual trading platform known as NSE Paathshaala. Here the user gets Rs. 5 lakhs of virtual currency to start trading or investing in the game. In addition, the users are given real-time data for all the scripts that are part of NSE. Therefore, the beginner gets a real-time experience of how to trade in the stock market. Here the investor can learn trading strategies, the mechanism of the stock market and most importantly the real-time fluctuation in the stock price. The user can see how his investment ideas are working before he starts trading or investing in real.

Now let us see how you can trade on Paathshaala website (https://goo.gl/FLQkso).

How to Trade from NSE Paathshaala?

  • Firstly, the user needs to create an account on NSE Paathshaala website. On filling the basic details the user can register itself. The account activation of the user can be done after verifying the link sent to the user’s email Just login the account and change the password.
  • Secondly, after login, the user needs to understand the basic instructions of trading or investing on the website. Few of the instructions include allotment of virtual currency of Rs. 5,00,000, segments in which trading can be done, market hours and other basic details of using the website.
  • In the next step create the watch list of the stocks you want to trade. Maximum 30 securities can be part of a watchlist. The user can create 3 different watchlists in the profile. Any addition or deletion of the stock in the watchlist can be made at any point in Set any of the watchlist as default.
  • There are many functions available in the watch list like remove scrip, place a buy order, place a sell order, get quotes, etc.
  • The user can place the order by selecting B or S against the security. B stands for Buy, while S stands for Sell. In fact, the user can modify the order even after placing before its execution.
  • The user can see the order book to check the order status. In addition, if any order is executed, he can learn his position i.e. profit or loss in relation to his holdings in the Position section.

The above points provide a simple guideline to the trader or investor who is new in the market and wants to make money. Just by practicing and learning the basics from NSE Paathshaala website the investor can make an attempt to enter into the real stock market.

About Us

NTA® is among the most popular academies that provide stock market education to beginners and old investors. By joining our academy you can learn to read and understand the technology of the stocks like charts, etc. With our education, you can take right position in the stocks and earn good intraday money. To join our academy or for any further information, you can contact us via email or phone. We will be glad to serve you.

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